
Java Data Classes Reading and Assessment



Most applications rely on data classes and it can be a hard concept. This reading assignment outlines the basic purpose of data classes.

I usually gave them a week to complete a reading assignment.

This package includes:
✔ A Package Description
✔ Answer Key
✔ 1 Reading Assignment
✔ 1 Assessment +
  ◆  1 Alternate Assessment with a KICA* marking scheme

This package includes an EDITABLE version of the Assessment:
Editable Text box to change the assessment timelines/due dates to suit your classroom needs.
Editable Text boxes to change the assessment marking scheme.

*** Concepts in this Package ***
✤ Record
✤ Private
✤ Public
✤ Mutator Methods: Set
✤ Accessor Methods: Get

Ontario Curriculum Guidelines This resource has an alternate marking scheme broken down into 4 categories:  Knowledge, Thinking/Inquiry, Communication and Application. This aligns with the Ontario, Canada curriculum guidelines.

*** Prerequisite Knowledge ***
✔ Basic Understanding of Java
✔ Methods, Classes, Variables
✔ Main Method, Constructor

UPDATED March 2024.

Java Data Classes Reading and Assessment Editable Resource Package by Janice Dyke is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Created by Janice Dyke
Computer Curriculum Corner
© 2024 JanED Enterprises

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