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Refund and Returns Policy

What are Keener Teacher Inc.’s refund and return policies?

Everything on Keener Teacher Inc. is delivered through email once a purchase has been made. Since a digital download cannot be returned or reversed, all sales on Keener Teacher Inc. of digital resources are considered final and nonrefundable.

There are some special circumstances where refunds could be offered. Refund requests must be submitted within one year of your purchase, and are granted on a case-by-case basis.  These circumstances include:

  • Damaged, wrong or missing files- A resource file is damaged, has the wrong content or is missing content.
  • Misrepresentation- A resource preview, thumbnail and/or description misrepresents what is actually contained in the resource.
  • Technical Limitations— You are unable to access a resource because the technical requirements weren’t included or were incorrect in the resource description.

If your purchase falls into one of these categories, you can submit a refund request by emailing admin@keenerteacher.ca Please be sure to include in your request: the resource name and your concerns, along with any specific examples or details you might have.

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